Would a Moose Laugh at These Jokes?

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When we think of moose we tend to think of our Marvelous Moosey® or really big gangly creatures that have a whole lot of antlers on their heads. That’s probably what makes them so easy to make fun of and here are a few of the silliest moose jokes we’ve heard lately.

What has antlers and sucks blood?

A moose-quito

What do you call a moose with no name?


Why do Canadians always have such good looking hair?

Because of all the moose they put in it.

I told my son that I saw a moose on the way to work this morning and he asked:

“How do you know he was on his way to work?”

What do moose call something that’s funny?


Do you know what moose get when they’re scared?


What do men grow under their noses?


If the plural of goose is geese, what is the plural for moose?

Meese (It’s not really, but I made you chuckle, right?)

Well, we didn’t say they’d all be funny, did we? 


Is that Moose Putting on Suntan Lotion?